Thursday 10 August 2017

Aristotle's Physics Vs Metaphysics Through Systemic Functional Linguistics

Gribbin (1989: xiv):
Among [Aristotle's] many scientific and philosophical writings, two are particularly relevant to the modern search for an understanding of the nature of the universe.  One, the Physica, deals with the nature of the world as we perceive it.  The other, the Metaphysica (literally meaning "what comes after physics"), is an inquiry into what Aristotle called "being as such," the underlying truths responsible for the world as we perceive it.
 … the distinction that Aristotle was trying to make between the world we see, or measure with our scientific instruments, and the underlying reality is an important one that strikes to the heart of modern physics.

Blogger Comments:

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic theory, the "world as we perceive it" is a construal of experience as meaning, whereas so-called "underlying truths" are construals of the "world as we perceive it" as meaning.  That is, such "underlying truths" are construals of construals of experience as meaning.

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