Sunday 9 July 2017

Aspects's Experimental Test Of Bell's Inequality Through Systemic Functional Linguistics [2]

Gribbin (1990: 229):
… the Aspect experiment and its predecessors do indeed make for a very different world view from that of our everyday common sense.  They tell us that particles that were once together in an interaction remain in some sense parts of a single system, which responds together to further interactions.

Blogger Comments:

As previously explained, this "everyday common sense" derives from the epistemological assumptions of Galileo, and their refinement by Descartes.

From the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic theory, this is indeed what the Aspect experiment and its predecessors tell us: particles that were once together in an interaction remain in some sense parts of a single system.  However, the relation between the particles and the system is not one of part–whole constituency, but of instantiation: particles are instances of the system, and system is the probabilistic potential of which the particles are instances.

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